Monday, April 2, 2007

A Cross Fit Family

I only had an hour today due to other obligations & lack of childcare. I thereby elected to do today's CrossFit WOD:
"Angie" as prescribed:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Because of my recent wrist injury & due to the fact that I'm new to CrossFit (just started 2 weeks ago)... I had to make some modifications. I used the lat/high row machine at 50# for the pull-ups, I did crunches for the sit-ups, and I broke up the push-ups (I did 30 after the pull-ups, then I did the sit-ups, 30 more sit-ups, the squats, then the final 40 sit-ups... I also put my knees down). It took me 21:57 to complete the cycle. I'll likely only get slower rather than faster, I imagine, as I slowly decrease the modifications.

Following the WOD, I did 15 min of cardio on the recumbant bike. I always choose the 'cross-country' program because the intensity is varied (1-14) and thereby provides a great workout. I covered 3.03 miles, burned 90 calories, and my heartrate was 141 average/154 maximum. Not too bad for such a short time.

Between my princess's dance & karate classes (we don't normally do both on the same day, but she was making up a dance class she missed 2 weeks ago when we were out of town), we went to the park and she did her own CrossFit for Kids workout.

#3 dumbell thrusters
assisted pull-ups

Her time was 2:58. She was excited to do the routine. She has been routinely sitting in my lap as I review the CF website and view the many exercise videos. I was impressed with her determination. I videotaped one round... I'll post it when I can. :)


  1. You are cross-fit to be tied :-) I'm feeling corny! LOL.

  2. You stud woman! Great job on "Angie." Since I'm resting today from ANY exercise, I've put her off until tomorrow. I can't wait! You're awesome, and good for you for getting your daughter in on it too.

  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence. :)

    I showed DH the short video I took of her doing "Fran"... he said, "Are you sure you aren't pushing her too hard?" But she's loving it and continually asks if she can do it along side me.

    I played for about 30 minutes trying to load the video from the camera to the PC but haven't had any luck thus far. We are thinking of upgrading our system and may be switching to MAC... these issues will hopefully go away. :)

  4. Wow. I think that workout would kill me.

  5. Angie sounds great- I'd be sore afterwards.
    That is so cool that your daughter wants to join you.


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