Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Activities of a Child

DH and I have always believed that the kids shouldn't be involved in more than one activity at a time. Because they are both young, this hasn't been an issue, but when they begin school, I know that it will be more difficult and require some thought and potential compromise.

A recent blog post by Scribbit on Time Management really put things into perspective for me and helped to reassure that I am doing the right thing for my children.

DD has been taking dance for over a year now and she absolutely loves it! The little guy just started in dance as well and he, too, loves the class. As a family activity, I take the kids swimming 2-3x a week. We play, mostly, but I also work with them on swimming skills. They are both progressing very well on their own so I haven't felt the need to sign them up for lessons.

For a long time, I have been planning to sign both of them up for martial arts when the little guy turns 4. Initially my intentions stemmed from my desire that my kids learn to stand up for themselves and be self-confident. I have horrible memories of being the victim of bullying when I was growing up. I certainly don't want my children to go through what I did. My little guy has Nystagmus, as did both of my brothers, and I know kids can be cruel. I expect my kids to walk away from those who taunt them, but I also want them to be able to defend themselves if necessary.

A recent article, Kick Together!, caught my attention and has encouraged me to go forth with my intention. However, I know now that I'll do it more as a family activity.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. It's just one aspect of motherhood that can be so confusing :)


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