As many of you know, I consider service learning to be a major component of our homeschooling. The past few years we have volunteered at the local natural history museum in a a variety of venues. Initially, we were Living History volunteers, portraying a homestead family in the high desert in 1880. We served in this role together for two years - but as Buddy grew, so did his adventurous spirit and he wasn't too fond of staying "on-site". Sweetie and I continued the following year but Buddy was disappointed that he was left out and Sweetie felt bad that he couldn't share in the joy. We thereby moved to the Naturalist Team.

This past year, as interest increased, there were more then enough volunteers on the naturalist team to cover each day of the week and we thereby served as substitutes, covering the schedule when another team member was ill or had an obligation that prevented him/her from volunteering. This worked perfectly for us as each time we went, it was like a new adventure.

We led about 5 walks for adults all summer (in the beginning of summer, we led walks specifically for small children and did the walks right after storytime). Each time, the kids shared in presenting the information (see a video of their presentations here) and the visitors remarked on how well they did. The adults would interact with the kids, asking them questions about the plants. They'd share stories of their own experiences with nature. Not once was it expressed that the kids were a distraction. To me - it seemed as though their presence helped to enrich the walks... actually encouraging the adults to interact a little more with us (the guides) as opposed to blindly listening to me ramble off facts.

I thereby proceeded to explain that this wouldn't be possible as we were a package deal. She suggested I volunteer when the children are in school. I pointed out that we homeschool and that this was a key component in our curriculum. "If I am not able to bring my children, I frankly, don't have an incentive to continue to volunteer at the museum." She expressed her disappointment in my decision and her hope that I might change my mind.
I honestly don't think my children have been disruptive. Between their 'talks' - they generally run ahead and observe the squirrels and chipmunks, poke around for insects, and explore the outdoor exhibits independently (tee pee, otter habitat, etc.) Occasionally, Buddy does make train noises, "Choo chooooo!" but he is always a fair distance ahead of us. He hasn't been any more talkative than the adults chattering amongst themselves. I am accustomed to a class of 30+ students socializing. I've always waited for everyone's attention before I begin to talk.
Granted, I understand where 'the museum' is coming from. What I don't understand is why they couldn't give us the opportunity to make a change. Perhaps, we could have come in and the volunteer coordinator could have explained what the visitor had expressed directly to the children and allow them an opportunity to make a change. Treat us - the children specifically - as you would any other volunteer... with respect.
In my 5 years volunteering at the museum, I have had many opportunities to observe how they treat their staff (laying off a number of employees stating it was for financial reasons and a few months later replacing them) and volunteers. There are over 200 volunteers and it is obvious that they feel we are expendable.
Surprisingly, I wasn't as disappointed that this door closed as I would have anticipated. Perhaps because it was due to my previous realization that seasons change. We are open to new opportunities now and look forward to what might be just around the corner.
as disappointing as it is... sometimes we don't need to know, just move on... with our head up :-)