Blue skies
On my bedside table:
Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew
The Children's Blizzard by David Laskin
The Condition by Jennifer Haigh ... just finished last night
On my TV:
Read Between the Lions & Sesame Street (PBS)
On the teacher's desk:
Read Between the Lions & Sesame Street (PBS)
On the teacher's desk:
Ancient Greece
Rocks & Minerals
Art Study: Leonardo Da Vinci
Poetry: Where the Sidewalk Ends
On the menu for tonight:
Hmmm, guess I should figure that out
On my To Do List:
Hmmm, guess I should figure that out
On my To Do List:
spring cleaning - laundry room, school room
grocery shopping
bake cookies for Masters Championships
New recipe I tried last week:
sadly, I didn't try one
In the craft basket:
create a bunad for Sweetie
create a welcome wall plaque for a friend who is moving away (house warming)
do a little scrapbooking
Looking forward to:
Oregon Masters Swimming Championships this weekend
High Desert Intercultural Festival on Saturday
On my Prayer List:
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other):
Donald's Happy Cows - nostalgia and laughs

Even deep friendships can have an undisclosed shelf life. That loyalty and affection, so consuming and powerful, can dissipate like fog.
There is an odd pleasure in confessing, a silent release.

If you would like to take part in "The Simple Woman's Daybook", see the hostess Peggy, here.
I made the favorite list? Very cool. Thanks!